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Sora is your school’s gateway to the industry's largest catalog of ebooks and audiobooks in the classroom and beyond. Students can read and listen on any device, and teachers can assign and track students' progress.

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eBook Stickers Available

Would you like stickers to put on the books in your library that are also available on your eBook shelf?

Email Chelsea Roy, to request your FREE stickers. Specify approximately how many stickers you would like sent to you.


Start Reading Now!

From the Apple App Store or Google Play Store install Sora by Overdrive

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In your web browser go to

Type in address bar of browser

At the bottom of the screen click I have a setup code ->

Sora Welcome Screen

Enter mobocesny and click Get Started button

Enter code screen

Select your School from the drop-down list

Select Your School

Enter your username or email address and password to sign in (Ask your school librarian if unsure of your login information)

Sign in screen

At the bottom of the screen click the Explore icon

Explore the Collection Icon

You will be taken to a screen similar to the one below. From here you can explore all eBooks and Audiobooks or Search for a specific book

Explore the Collection Screen

Find an available book and click Borrow

Borrow a book

Your book will open so you can start reading it immediately. The Loan period is 14 days.

Example of an Open book

At the bottom of the screen click the shelf icon. From here you can open borrowed books, see assignments, tap Options to renew or return a book, send to a Kindle device, get to your notes & highlights and more.

Shelf Icon

Example of Shelf Screen

SORA & Overdrive How-To Videos