If your library program has been allocated supplemental units by your district (as most have), you should have received an email with the details from Linda on June 22. If you did not receive that information, feel free to reach out to Linda to double-check.
A reminder that you can view your Specialization Areas for your Building, as well as find general information and forms for Supplementals, here, at our SLS CCD page. This will be our third year of our current specialization areas. This means we will be surveying you in early 2024 to establish your new specialization areas for the subsequent 3 years.
Please note, all orders must include vendor processing/cataloging. We require that book orders arrive processed, with MARC records, in order to fulfill the service terms as well as BOCES purchasing processes.
We are again asking everyone to submit their Supplemental orders for print titles by December 31, 2023. We cannot accept any beyond that point, and we strongly encourage you to submit them sooner, in order to get the best fill rate. However, we will still accept orders for ebooks through April 1, 2024.
NEW THIS YEAR: Each box of processed supplemental books that you receive from us will have a neon green sticker on it that states “Processed by SLS.” If you do NOT see that sticker, it means that the vendor erroneously sent you the books directly. If that is the case, please send those unstickered boxes of books to us. We have to process them here first.