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Media Library Resources Presentation - Rome: Welcome

Welcome to the

Media Resources for Teaching & Learning Workshop

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see." - Alexandra K. Trenfor

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will understand the difference between digital and physical media resources.

2. Participants will be able to access the Media Library using the Media Catalog/SNAP.

3. Participants will explore what media resources are available from the Media Library.

4. Participants will be able to search the Media Catalog/SNAP to locate media resources.

5. Participants will be able to use the Media Catalog/SNAP to stream and borrow media resources.

6. Participants will explore how media resources support teaching and learning in their classroom.

Who we are:

Sue LeBlanc/CIS Coordinator/SLS Director -

Cathi Brewer/Media Librarian -

Visit us online:

Explore the Media Library: