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Mission Statment

Students at John E. Joy Elementary School will become Ethical UsersCritical ThinkersEnthusiastic Readers, and Skillful Researchers.

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Book Lending Policy:

Book-borrowing is an essential part of developing enthusiastic readers, and we try to make this as positive an experience as possible. Books are checked out for one week, but may be renewed as long as no other child is waiting for them. 

How many books students are allowed:

Kindergarten and First Grade - 1 book

Second, Third, and Fourth Grade - 2 books

Fifth and Sixth Grade - 4 books

Over dues and Fines:

If a student has checked out the maximum number of books and does not return them on library day, no more books can be checked out until they are returned. However, with the classroom teacher's permission, books may be exchanged on any day during the week. students need not wait until the next class visit.

Overdue notices will be sent out once the book is overdue. These are reminders to get books back as soon as possible so other children and teachers can enjoy them. We do not charge fines.

  • If you know a book has been lost or damaged, let us know. You will NOT be asked to replace the book.
  •  If you think a book has been returned or student is sure the book was never borrowed, return the overdue slip to us with a note saying so. We will try to clear up the problem.