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Meet the Bots

This guide contains resources to accompany the Meet the Bots Workshop. This hands-on workshop introduces 3 versatile robots available to borrow from the MOBOCES Media Library.

What are Pro-Bots?

Pro-Bot is the big brother to Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot! It too can be easily operated using only the direction keys and the GO button. However, Pro-Bot also has the added ability to be programmed using Logo commands to specify distance to move and degrees to turn making it much more powerful than its little brothers!

Pro-bot image



The Pro-Bot Keypad

The Pro-Bot keypad

ProBot Keypad
Functions of the various keys on the Pro-Bot keypad:
The arrow keys above the numbers:
Fd – go forward (you can specify the distance in cm, it moves 25 cm if you don’t specify measurements)
Example :
·      Fd 10 (Pro-Bot moves 10 cm forward)
·      Fd (No distance specified, so Pro-Bot moves forward 25 cm)
Bk – go backward (you can specify the distance in cm, it moves 25 cm if you don’t specify measurements)
Example :
·      Bk 10 (Pro-Bot moves 10 cm backward)
·      Bk (No distance specified, so Pro-Bot moves backward 25 cm)
Rt – turn right (note that it does not move forward along with the turn)
You can specify the angle in degrees; turns 90 degrees if no angle is specified.
·      Rt 60 (Pro-Bot turns 60 degrees to the right)
·      Rt (Pro-Bot turns 90 degrees to the right)
Lt – turn left (note that it does not move forward along with the turn)
You can specify the angle in degrees; turns 90 degrees if no angle is specified.
·      Lt 60 (Pro-Bot turns 60 degrees to the left)
·      Lt (Pro-Bot turns 90 degrees to the left)
Go – starts the program
Note: If you want the stop the program while it is running, press the Go button again.
Ps – pauses the program for a short time; after the pause, the program continues on its own.
Clear – delete the last key pressed on each line.
Rpt[ – Repeat a command a specified number of times. Needs to be accompanied by the closing bracket ] after the sequence of statements. Else the repeat will run 255 times.
·      Rpt[ 4 Fd 5 ]  (Pro-Bot will repeat the Fd 5 statement 4 times. So it will move a total of 20 cm before it stops.)
] – closing bracket for a repeat command
Proc - short for “procedure”. A procedure is a small program used to perform a specific function. Pro-Bot can store up to 32 procedures in its memory.
Numbers keys 0-9 – used for specifying measurements
Menu – provides access to a number of other functions within Pro-Bot. These include a range of special commands for editing the program, configuration options, etc.

The Pro-Bot Sensors

Pro-Bot can be used to introduce the use of sensors in robotics. Pro-Bot has the following sensors:


Front Bumper - detects a press of the button on the front bumper

Rear Bumper - detects a press of the button on the rear bumper


Dark - detects when its environment becomes dark

Light - detects when its environment becomes light


Sound - detects a short sharp sound such as a hand clap or short yell

Using the Sensors

Sensors must be turned on in order for Pro-Bot to respond to them.

  1. To turn the sensors on or off, press Menu.
  2. Choose Sensors and press Menu to see the Sensor meny which shows each sensor state.
  3. Use the down arrow key to select the sensor you would like to change.
  4. Press Menu to change the sensor's state. Pro-Bot toggles the sensor from Off to On or from On to Off and returns you to the Main program.

Programming the Sensor Procedures

  1. Press the Menu key and scroll down to <New Proc> and press Menu again.
  2. Scroll down the list to Procedures 33 - 37 are special procedures automatically executed when sensor is triggered. Press Menu to select desired Sensor procedure.
    1.  33 FRONT: Run when the front touch sensor is triggered.
    2. 34 REAR: Run when the rear touch sensor is triggered.
    3. 35 DARK: Run when the light sensor goes from light to dark.
    4. 36 LIGHT: Run when the light sensor goes from dark to light.
    5. 37 SOUND: Run when the sound sensor is triggered.
  3. Enter code for the selected procedure.
  4. Press Menu to return to the main screen.

Draw a square

Program Pro-Bot to draw a square

  1. Press Forward arrow, enter a number using the keypad (this will be how many centimeters Pro-Bot moves forward
  2. Press Left or Right arrow, this will turn Pro-Bot 90 degrees (if you enter a number that is how many degrees Pro-Bot turns)
  3. Press Forward arrow again
  4. Press Left or Right arrow again
  5. Press Forward arrow again
  6. Press Left or Right arrow again
  7. Press Forward arrow again
  8. Press Left or Right arrow again

Draw another square

Use Repeat Command to simplify your code

  1. Press the Repeat button, press 4 button (this creates a loop that will execute 4 times)
  2. Press the Forward button, enter a number using the keypad
  3. Press the Left or Right arrow, enter 91 using the keypad
  4. Press the Ending Square Bracket key to close your loop

Area and Perimeter Lesson